Hey’all &


We are the Voices of

Just A Rather Very Insane System


Creators of

a Podcast Powered by Plurals for Plurals
& everybody else who wants to hear more about the insanely awesome world of plurality!
Info and Resources about Being Many, Plurality & Dissociation
for German-Speaking Plurals & Allies

Every Voice Matters!

Jede Stimme Zählt!

Gemeinsam machen wir uns stark für Viele — authentisch und selbstbestimmt. Hier sprechen Plurals über das vielfältige Leben in ihrer Kopf-WG, und beschreiben was Viele-Sein für sie persönlich bedeutet. –> weiter zu KopfWG.de

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We are excited to announce that we participated at PPWC23, an annual event organised by The Plural Association.

Multiplicity as a Vital Part of Nature

Multiplicity is not only happening in our heads, it is happening all around us in nature. In this session, we will show a few exciting examples of cooperation and collective behaviour, from the smallest cells to large groups of animals. The perspective on multiplicity through the lens of natural science inspires us to feel more acceptance towards ourselves as yet another complex system of nature, and we hope to spark similar inspiration in other Plurals as well.
